By Ki Darmaningtyas Education and Culture Minister Nadiem Makarim, together with the Religious Affairs Minister, Home Minister, and Health Minister have issued guidelines for implementation of limited face-to-face learning (PTMT). The expedited process is to be carried out with several considerations, including fully-vaccinated teachers, compliance with health protocols, combination with long-distance learning (PJJ) under a 50:50 scheme, and meeting a school readiness checklist before face-to-face learning (PTM) can begin. Schools whose teachers and staff are yet to be vaccinated can implement PTM if they receive permission from the local government. To prevent schools from turning into new Covid-19 clusters, classroom capacity is reduced to only 50%, with 1.5-meter social distancing. Also, during PTM, the school canteen must remain closed, sports and extra-curricular activities banned, as well as other non-academic activities. But outdoor learning is permissible. This mean...
DARMANINGTYAS menggeluti dunia pendidikan dengan mengawali sebagai guru honorer di SMP Binamuda dan SMA Muhammadiyah Panggang, 1982. Selain terus mengkritisi kebijakan pendidikan yang tidak pro rakyat, juga terus aktif melakukan kampanye untuk pendidikan gratis dan anti privatisasi pendidikan.